TEDxAmsterdam 2013 Livemindmapping overview

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TEDxAmsterdam 2013 Livemindmapping overview Door Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam 2013 Livemindmapping overview

1. What & Why?

1.1. Livemindmapping of all the talks of TEDxAmsterdam 2013

1.2. To celebrate 5 years of TEDxAmsterdam

1.3. To help Ideas Worth Spreading

2. When?

2.1. Starting November 19th 2013

2.2. Puslishing a map a week of the talks of TEDxAmsterdam 2013

3. Where?

3.1. links to all maps will be available from this map, see below

3.2. Etienne Abelin - Colouring Music with the Music Animation Machine

3.3. Peter Ngatia Nguura - Africa means Business

3.4. Manfred Kets de Vries - From hero to zero - When leaders turn bad

3.5. Jimmy Nelson - Before they pass away

3.6. Dominic Seldis - Valse Miniature

3.7. Fons Trompenaars - Riding the waves of culture

3.8. Helen Mees - China's rise

3.9. Bas van Abel - Fairphone: Changing the way products are made, starting with a single phone

3.10. Bart Remes - A drone inside everybody’s pocket

3.11. Dadara - Like4Real

3.12. Hans Clevers - Stem cells: Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde?

3.13. Floris Kaayk - Human birdwings

3.14. Amy Robinson - EyeWire, a game to map the brain

3.15. Benno Naaijkens - StemBell

3.16. Mona Eltahawy - Permanence and loss - how tattoos helped me heal

3.17. Jacob Wood - Molding military service for global good

4. Who?

4.1. .. will be livemindmapping?

4.1.1. Mathieu van der Wal

4.2. .. will be presenting?

4.2.1. Etienne Abelin

4.2.2. Peter Ngatia Nguura

4.2.3. Manfred Kets de Vries

4.2.4. Jimmy Nelson

4.2.5. Dominic Seldis

4.2.6. Fons Trompenaars

4.2.7. Heleen Mees

4.2.8. Bas van Abel

4.2.9. Bart Remes

4.2.10. Dadara

4.2.11. Hans Clevers

4.2.12. Floris Kaayk

4.2.13. Amy Robinson

4.2.14. Benno Naaijkens

4.2.15. Mona Eltahawy

4.2.16. Jacob Wood

4.2.17. Favio Chávez

5. How?

5.1. Use the + and - buttons to expand/ collapse topics

5.2. Hover over the notes icon to read attached notes

5.3. Look our for link icons like this one get more information